What a show. Last night's Infinity Cat Records showcase was the best show we've seen this year [That's saying alot, we've been to a ton of shows this year] We'll have a full onslaught of goods for you tomorrow documenting the chaos that was last night. If you were there, you know what we're talking about. I mean, I did 4 stage dives during "Dogbite" alone [And that song is only like 1:30 long] If you're not too hungover or in the hospital, go to Little Hamilton tonight to catch Atlanta's Coathangers, it's gonna be a party. What a show.
Thanks Infinity Cat.
thanks for choosing infinity cat
This was the best show I've been to since Oblivians/Gories back in June. Probably the best show I've ever seen in Nashville. So much fun.
What a show.
i would like to know where little hamilton is. i can't find an address or anything anywhere. help?
Hey anonymous,
Little Hamilton is located at 1318 Little Hamilton. It's a warehouse space that serves as a plethora of things. you can find show listings at http://www.myspace.com/littlehamiltonshows and see other things over at http://www.littlehamilton.gov
thanks for reading!
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